The Easiest way to earn your free ticket to Mental Health – Yoga

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As we all know this is the pandemic period of the deadly corona, we all have developed a deep-seated fear against it in our mind. This fear is far more dangerous than threatening coronavirus. ‘Fear’ is not only a mere disease, rather it is a lethal psychogenic state which deteriorates a man’s mental health thoroughly. So, in order to safeguard ourselves from this fatal degeneration, we should understand the intertwining relationship between mental health and yoga.

Before going in-depth with all this, we should first know how and why mental health is worsening day by day. 

Mental health at the verge of deterioration :

A man by nature is a gregarious animal. He loves to socialize, entertain, and be entertained. But due to the pandemic situation, we all have lost the zeal in our lives. We all have been obliged to maintain social distancing so that we can check the spread of Novel Coronavirus. It has become a compulsion and we have to follow it.

Some of the adverse effects are as follows:-● The lost socialization has made us apathetic and it is likely for us to feel low in this phase of life. ● Moreover, the last few months have been very hectic as well as heart-wrenching for all of us. The death toll has reached a peak and the mortality rate is increasing like hell. This huge loss has shaken us from inside. ● Seeing the unruly situation, the government imposed ‘Lockdown’ all over the country to maneuver the touchy situation. Although this decision helped a lot, it created a different and

bigger problem. ● The Lockdown adversely affected people from all walks of life. Especially those people who were migrant workers and those who were staying away from their family. They reached the thought of whether they’ll be able to see their families or not. They also faced a lot of issues in surviving the lockdown without any facilities. All this broke them down both mentally and financially. ● Furthermore, the gradual degeneration of lives has taken the entire world on its nerves and has developed anxiety in people. ● Most of the people have to come out of their comfort zones to help others, risking their own life. This risk has led them to feel the mental retardation and fall in the state of depression. ● All the time, they have the fear in their mind: ‘What if they catch the incurable disease; How their family will survive; and other tensions.’ This overthinking has caused a calamitous effect on the mental health of the bulk of society.

Thus, we are in a great need to refrain from this catastrophic phase. And this mental peace can be achieved by the tranquility of Yoga. 

Now we will examine the concept and importance of Yoga which will not only help us fight the pandemic but also upgrade our living standards.

Yoga: A Viable Cure to mental health:-

The  yogini  square

Most often, Yoga is just regarded as a series of exercises and nothing more than that. But this is not the actual case. Yoga simply means the spiritual practice to heal our inner soul. This has been in practice since ages and has been deeply ingrained in Indian society. We also celebrate ‘World’s Yoga Day’ to make people aware of its importance and sanctity in our lives.

● Yoga is the process to connect our body with our soul so that they can be trained to self observe and become aware of their own true nature. ● Yoga cultivates awareness, discernment, self-regulation, and higher consciousness in an individual. ● It fosters peace and harmony between the body and mind which leads to physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. ● Yoga includes meditation which allows one to undergo self-introspection and build a connection between the body and the soul.

Now in the Corona atmosphere, the onslaught caused to the mental health of people can be cured viably by the practice of Yoga. This will not only make us physically fit but also ‘mentally fit’ which is the necessity in the current world.

Whenever we feel like the situation is getting worse and out of control, We should remember how we had eradicated the scourge of plague, smallpox, and other dreadful diseases from the face of the earth by the spectacular advancement made in Medical Sciences and Health Care. This will encourage us and make us realize our power of conquering the evils. 

We know that our will is the most important thing which strengthens us to fight against all the evils of the world. So we should never let our morale go down and should foster advancements in being more compassionate, humane, and sociable. With this positive and ‘can-do’ attitude, we’ll bring an end to this corona pandemic and enjoy a better life than we do.

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